Furnace air filters are a critical component of any forced-air HVAC system.

Different types and sizes are offering various benefits for cleaner air and HVAC equipment.

With regular furnace air filter maintenance, your HVAC system will perform optimally.

Here’s what you need to know to make a smart furnace air filter choice for your home and unit.

Pleated Air Filters
Pleated air filters comprise polyester fabrics or cotton folds. The folds or pleats maximize the surface area for filtering.

Pleated air filters with a high MERV rating have high filtering efficiency. Pleated filters trap a high percentage of large particles and a higher number of small particles than other filters.

It would help if you replaced them regularly to avoid clogging.

Fiberglass Air Filters
Fiberglass filters are the most commonly used type. They’re disposable filters and consist of layered fiberglass fibers laid over each other.

They contain metal grating to reinforce and support the fiberglass and keep it from falling or collapsing.

Fiberglass filters have a MERV rating of 1-4. They can prevent large particles from getting into your HVAC system.

Washable Electrostatic Filters
Washable electrostatic filters are reusable instead of replaceable. They include a metal frame and use static electricity generated as air flows through the crevices.

Particulates attach to the metal where the filter traps them until you wash it with water.

Washable filters can last for a long time. You can wash and reuse them several times before they wear out.

Washable filters are most effective in trapping smaller particles.

At Pure Air Solutions, LLC, we understand that it can be expensive to replace a furnace unit, so we offer several financing options that can make your next HVAC repair or installation even more affordable. Give us a call to get your issues solved today.

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